
A Tragic Shock- Pastor Washington Tarpeh Has Passed


News has just reached us that our dear colleague and friend, Pastor Washington Tarpeh, died this evening - Sunday, July 2 - when a concrete wall collapsed onto him.

Washington was a foundational leader not only for his church, Our Father’s House, where the Rise Liberia Academy is situated, but also as the National Coordinator of Liberia Allied Ministries, an associated wing of Alliance International Ministries (AIM).

I was privileged to stand with him on a foundation he laid long before - unused for years but eventually graced with the Academy where three hundred children are now educated. More than all that, Washington was a true man of God, a loving husband to Bessie and father to his own and extended family for which he cared. He was the epitome of strength through gentleness and godly authority. The loss to those around him and to those of us who called him friend and colleague is profound.

We intend to help the family in any and every way we can and I do hope to be able to travel to Liberia to attend the celebrations of this great life, but the financial challenge is great. If you are able to send a Love Gift to help us support the funeral, ceremonies and memorial of Washington’s life please visit ‘' or ‘' and click the ‘Donate’ button. And Thank you!

A Message from Bill Davidson

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